22 May 2007

Pork Politics Waste More Money

Congressional pork should JUST BE OUTLAWED. For many reasons, including that American tax payers are always paying for projects that have no effect upon their lives, we also see endless reports about the ethical non-standards and bullying among members of Congress.

Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) submitted an earmark certification letter for the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) May 1, more than five weeks after the Intelligence Committee’s deadline and the day before the panel marked up its authorization bill, according to copies of the letter and the notice of the deadline sent to the entire committee.

Murtha addressed the letter only to Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas), not Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.), the panel’s ranking member. Hoekstra has said he was not given a copy—an apparent violation of House rules. All earmarks must be disclosed in writing to both the chairman and ranking member.

John Murtha has built his so called clout via bullying fellow members of Congress. This shouldn't be allowed to happen and when it does, the guilty party should be punished. Human nature being what it is, and the lack of honesty and openness on the part of most Democrats in Congress lead to the above linked foolishness. Now, we see house Republicans trying to pass a slap-his-wrist vote against Murtha...which is wasting even more of our money. Pork costs a lot more than the actual projects.