I chose to be Independent now
Two interesting points today, about illegal immigration.
First it appears that a small group of Congressmen are working on this draft bill:
WASHINGTON (AP) - Just off the Senate floor, a dozen Democratic and Republican senators huddle twice a day to decide whether proposed changes to a bipartisan immigration compromise are acceptable tweaks or fatal blows to their fragile agreement.
Survival of the deal that would allow 12 million unlawful immigrants to stay in the U.S. legally - regarded as the best chance to overhaul immigration this year - depends in large part on how effective this "Gang of 12" is in insulating the plan from major changes.
The team grows or shrinks according to what the issues are. At its core are the unlikely partners who cut the deal, led by liberal Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and conservative Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. Assistance comes from GOP centrist Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Mel Martinez of Florida and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.
Our infamous RINOs are working hand in hand with Democrats to try to secure this draft into a passable piece of legislation. The title of this article is called "Group of 12..." Question: How many member of Congress should be involved with this?
Answer: ALL of them.
Then we read how the GOP RINOs are worried about losing their base, and we can't wonder why:
The bipartisan immigration bill being pushed by the White House and Sen. Jon Kyl, Arizona Republican, is fracturing rather than "saving" the Republican Party nationally, according to angry party leaders and new poll findings.
Arizona Republican Party officials have received "hundreds and hundreds of calls, e-mails and letters from Republicans angry about the bill," state party Chairman Randy Pullen told The Washington Times.
"They were saying, 'I am going to register independent and not give you any more money' -- and that's the base of our party saying that," Mr. Pullen said.
I don't live in a border state, and I'm damn upset about this. As well, I am no longer registering as a Republican. I chose to be Independent now...where I place my votes to those who put America and her citizens first, above and beyond illegal immigrants. The GOP stands to lose MUCH with this. Let's hope they are very clear with their understanding of it.