22 May 2007

Left’s ten commandments

I found this article through Pro Life Blogs, and admit I didn't bother reading more than this list, all of which catches my eye as the truth about liberals.

I. "Thou shalll not speak against the liberal world view”

II. “Thou shall not think contrary to what the left deems acceptable”

III. “Thou shall have no other gods but political correctness”

IV. “Thou shall not raise thy children according to your Christian faith”

V. “Thou shall have no school choice for that would curtail indoctrination”

VI. “Thou shall remember to always speak evil of Christians”

VII. “Thou shall never admit the founding fathers had a Christian world view”

VIII. “Thou shall always have faith in government programs”

IX. ‘Thou shall never claim anything as absolutely true unless it is in keeping with the latest leftist propaganda”

X. “Thou shall always worship the mother who kills her unborn child”